This dramatic short film stars Damion Onandi (Mikey “Can Fight” Jackson), Joel Calliste (Petite Mort), and Emiliano González Carranza (Cowboy46) in a portrait of modern masculinity all disguised as a western set in an absurd carpentry shop.
Embodying the Jamaican culture, the film exemplifies the characteristics and beauty of authentic patois–something that has never been seen before outside of Jamaican cinema.
Jp Sullivan
Director, writer, producer, editor, cinematographer, and D1 athlete - Jp Sullivan can do it all. Jp is an Indian-Canadian filmmaker who has a burning passion for cinematic storytelling.
He’s won awards for both his director and writing, but also cinematography work in the industry, and is best known for his experimental erotic thriller “Petite Mort”.
Damion Onandi
Actor/”The Man with No Name”
As an actor, Damion has taken his talents from the stage to the screen, working alongside Jp Sullivan for their fourth collaboration. Coming from a prestigious theatre group,
Damion hopes to leave a striking impact on Celluloid before he returns to the lights and glamor of the stage.
Joel Calliste
The cigar-smoking, all black wearing badass Joel finds himself yet again giving a tremendous performance as “Desymond”. Starting from a theatre group, Joel looks forward to leaving an indelible
impact on cinema and paving a new way for strong black male-lead actors.
Emiliano González Carranza
Born in Mexico, Emiliano, also famously known as “Bo” has taken the screens of theatres by storm. First born on the theatre stage, Emiliano has found solace and great excitement
in acting on screen. He has been a part of numerous productions as both an actor and producer and has been credited with multiple awards for his intense driven acting.
Nah, I’m Okay Company, originated in Canada,
seeks to find strong and important visionary
storytellers and help them bring their stories
to life. From mind to paper to screen.
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